Today has been a little rough for me, spending it sick and alone with Chipotle leftovers wasn't exactly the Thanksgiving I had in mind for this year. :( I love the holidays. It means spending time with family members we do not see enough of and making new memories for the younger generations to cherish for years to come... of course, there's also lots of good food involved too. :) I feel like it's important today for me to take advantage of the peacefulness that awkwardly exists in my house at the moment (hubby took the kiddos up north to "the farm" for Turkey Day celebrations) and reflect on all of the things I am thankful for, even though I am definitely not thankful for my sinuses at the moment...
My top ten list - I am thankful for:
1. A wonderful husband who seems to always know the right things to say at the right moment.
2. A healthy, happy daughter who blows us away with her creativity and generosity.
3. A healthy, happy son who can make us all laugh until we pee our pants.

4. Wonderful family and friends who support me, enrich my life and constantly remind me how to be a better person.
5. A roof over my head and food in my belly (even if it's leftovers.)
6. Being able to have a job that I enjoy and am passionate about.
7. A part-time job that allows me to keep my day job and stay at home with my children every evening.
8. Amazon.com - already have 75% of the kids' Christmas done and within our (small) budget. :)
9. A second-chance to spend a late Thanksgiving dinner with my mom, dad, sis, brother-in-law and niece and nephew in two weeks.
10. Long, hot baths and a good novel to relax with when I'm feeling under the weather.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!