Unless you've been hiding under a rock the last few months, you probably know that I LOVE to participate in Once A Month Cooking with my sister. We cook an entire month's worth of food (a few lunches, breakfasts, and mostly dinners) all in one long (very long) day in order to save ourselves time, money, and sanity throughout the rest of the month. My friend Tricia is the culprit who talked me into getting involved in this pastime and I could not thank you enough for it.... She is now doing the ultimate good deed for OAMC participants and is hosting a Tweet-Up this Saturday evening! What is a Tweet-Up?, you say? A Tweet-Up is tied to Twitter (the website of which I am constantly reminded by family and friends is a narcissistic waste of time...) Participants can show up in person to the event if they can attend - and if they cannot attend, they can participate in real time by following the event on Twitter - pretty cool if you ask me, not by any means a waste of time! Because the Tweet-Up is taking place near my town, my sister and I will have the awesome privilege of attending the event in person. Tricia has planned a spectacular night - cocktails, recipe demonstrations, kitchen appliance demonstrations, networking, and over $3,000 in door prizes!!! I can't wait! Among the prizes (some that I am really hoping to win) are - a pair of Crocs of your choice, children's toys, food processors, slow cookers, and gorgeous Longaberger baskets! I hear there are still a few in-house reservation spots left... if you are interested in attending, go here to register and grab one of those coveted spots! If you wish to follow the event via Twitter, just search for #oamm.
Thanks for the plug. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday night. I am getting really excited for it all. And you forgot to mention that I was featuring one of your recipes at the event! Silly you.